A hawk found its prey in a suburban yard of Chicago. The hawk remained in the area to consume its prey. First, on the ground and then in the surrounding trees. The hawk was unaffected by cars or people. The following pictures document his afternoon.

In Scottsdale, Arizona, there is a complex of five attractions from OdySea Aquarium to Polar Play Ice Bar. One of these attractions is the largest butterfly conservatory in the United States. The tour stars with a 3D movie explaining and showing the migration of Monarch butterflies. You then enter the Emergence Gallery. There hundreds of chrysalis hanging waiting to emerge. You then learn that sunny weather is needed for butterfly activity. Since the day of the visit was just before several days of rain, few butterflies emerged from the cocoons. Take time view a cocoon to see the holes woven into the cocoons. Upon continuing into the conservatory, few butterflies were flying. When the rain started outside, the butterflies flying sought a place to land and fold their wings together. If a butterfly landed on someone’s shoulder, it was a person wearing a light colored clothing. A picture will follow illustrating this behavior. Enjoy the following pictures of some of the 42 or more varieties of butterflies.
Remember to go on a sunny day.

The following are pictures of birds that you would see in your yard.